These pages updated

25 Abril 2002

This is the place where I'm keeping all my special thoughts and stories about my Succulent Hero, Wolf. I also create artworks, paintings to be exact, featuring Wolf, and those are here as well. I realize that my ideas about Wolf are not exactly in keeping with those of many of the other fans of "The Tenth Kingdom". For those of you new here, read my introduction on the right side of this page (beneath Wolf's picture), to see how I feel about Wolf and why (and I do think I have just cause for my unusual ideas about Wolf, by the way!)

From time to time I have sporadic attacks of poetry writing! Won't you please read my
Wolf Poetry
Poetry rated PG-13 and above!


(My paintings of Wolf)
All art on view at this time rated "G"
Enter Here:


Luna's "House of Red" pictures:

This section features my illustrations for "House of Red".



These are more in-depth thoughts I have on Wolf: who he is and why he does the things he does and his place in the scheme of things. Many of them are exerpts of messages I have posted to discussion groups at one time or another. Others are just flows of consciousness I wanted to record. These are in chronological order, oldest stuff first, newest below that.

My First Wolfish Thoughts

More of my Wolfish Thoughts

Luna's Feverish Full Moon Thoughts

Luna's Wolfish School of Thought



I am enjoying writing many stories about Wolf, however I wouldn't call them "fanfiction" in the usual sense of the word! In fact, well, they aren't "fanfiction" at all! The first one,"Mating Dance", is the only one that takes place within the canon of The 10th Kingdom.

For my other stories I confess I have taken Wolf and placed him in an alternate universe: "The Land of Enchantment"...a Dream Time World where magic is real and anything is possible. I've explained this world more fully, and tell how Wolf arrives there, on the introductory page which you enter below. Within that alternate universe I have tried to remain as true to Wolf's character (the character revealed in The 10th Kingdom) as I possibly could...except within this alternate universe he never meets Virginia, he meets me (Luna) instead! I realize that therefore these stories constitute what I have recently learned is dubbed "Mary Sue" fiction: a genre which offends many fanthropologists! And I am sure these stories will offend 10th Kingdom purists! Ya know what? Sorry about that! I feel a close psychic connection to Wolf, and I choose to explore it, both thru my stories and my artworks. So, for the more adventurous among you: try these stories you might like them! I do write them in the first person: so you can place yourself within the story pretty easily, if you feel tempted to do so. To get to them, you need to click on Wolf's picture below - it is a gateway to all my stories of Wolf in this magical dreamworld I've created!


Please Please Please pay attention to the ratings on these stories! They all contain mature content, and some are really naughty! Yes: In my fantasies Wolf has a sex life! (Who am I kidding? In 10K Wolf has a sex life! But he has a more well-described one here!) So sorry kids, but GET OUTTA HERE IF YOU'RE NOT 18 OR OVER!!! And anybody else who can't deal with explicit romance! Now on to the stories...

The Mating Dance of Wolf and Virginia - RATING NC-17


Wolf in the Land of Enchantment
Enter Here:


Luna's Diary of the fun she and Wolf had at the Fancy-Dress Ball is here!... Rated "PG"

Coming Soon:
And they will be published here eventually: pro'bly when you least expect it!!!

Things take an unexpected turn when...
Wolf and Luna Attend a Valentine's Ball... Rated "R"

La Luna Primera (The first episode of "Las Lunas Encantadas"). is almost ready!...this episode only rated "PG". Following episodes rated higher!


Some of you who visit my pages may wish to know more about the 10th Kingdom story in general, or want to see more pictures from the film. May I recommend the following websites as places to start:

Through the Mirror This site has the best most detailed synopsis of the 10K story I've seen anywhere, plus lots of pictures and extras. It's a little hard to navigate with older browsers, 'tho! Also, sadly, it has not been updated in quite some time...

Wolf's Den THE place to go for 10K pictures and especially pictures of...Wolf! Literally thousands of pictures! THANK YOU RUBY, for allowing me to use some of your scrumptious pictures here on my site!

As of this writing, it looks as though both of the above sites may vanish soon! I had been working on a 10th Kingdom site of my own to rectify this, but find I lack the time to finish it anytime in the forseeable future. However, a woman who has been trying to keep interest in the 10K tale alive and perhaps even organize a fan club for it, maintains the following site which can give you a bit of information on the film and may be of interest:

The Eleventh Kingdom

Now we will keep the legal department happy:

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Wolf (only in my dreams!), or any other characters or situations occurring in the 10th Kingdom. The 10th Kingdom is copyright Hallmark Entertainment and NBC. I however own Luna (she's me!), my dream-time world ("the Land of Enchantment"), and any characters and situations and ideas not found in the 10th Kingdom! I also don't own characters from popular culture or history which may appear in my "Land of Enchantment" stories. I'm just borrowing them and hopefully showing them a good time! No infringement of any kind is intended: all this was created for my personal amusement only!

Like my pages or got a beef? Let Me Know!

I have but one

I was going to say I only have one fantasy: but that's not strictly true! Rather I have to say I fantasize about only one subject! Because about that one subject I have many, many fantasies! And that subject is Wolf. Not just any old wolf, mind you, but rather Wolf: the wonderful intriguing half-man/half-wolf we met in the tv film "The Tenth Kingdom". He is of course also found in the companion book to the film, and I refer to it frequently for additional insights into Wolf's character. This book contains some scenes that didn't make it into the final filmed version due to lenghtening it too much. It was also made from an earlier version of the screenplay, and occasionally Wolf of the film is slightly different from Wolf of the book!

Physically Wolf is a beautiful man: tall, dark, handsome with big expressive eyes. Who's also a wolf! Closer examination reveals that his eyes glow and change color depending on his moods and the situation; he has the incisor "wolf teeth", and he has a tail! (Which he tries to hide from the general public in the Kingdoms by stuffing down the back of his pants, but it escapes at inopportune moments.) He also has a "menstrual cycle" with every full moon!

As charismatic as his physical attributes is his character: he is good-humored; highly intelligent; articulate, even flowery, of speech; an incurable romantic; fearless, and - he makes me laugh! He is at the same time arrogant; sly; conniving; a fast-talker; reckless and rather dangerous! And he still makes me laugh! These qualities all together often create conflict within Wolf: but his keen mind, good nature and pure heart keep him on the path of good and ultimately make him a hero.

I am irresistably attracted to Wolf. He speaks particularly to me as an archetype that has been a powerful male presence for me all my adult life: he is a "walker between worlds" who has bodily access to animal power- a shamanic character really. I do see him as a reminder of a kind of male that would exist in an ancient pre-patriarchal culture: he sees the power of woman; acknowledges it; honors it. He does not wish to subjugate it. He also sees that as with any power this power can be misused (as it is by the Evil Queen in Tenth Kingdom) and uses his wits to duck that: so as to honor another woman. I see much also of the trickster in Wolf (both the honorable and dishonorable side: because the trickster- Coyote in most Native American traditions- walks a balance between each so as to teach that balance).In his Trickster role he is an awfully silly "wise fool" at times; has more than a passing acquaintance with magic; and is a master thief whose light fingers can procure what he needs to rise to any occasion, be it flowers, candy, or a suit of new clothes!

Well...the purpose of this introduction is just that, an introduction. An introduction to a character who has had a profound effect on me. And of course I can't summarize The 10th Kingdom here for those who don't know it: I've placed links to a couple websites with good synopses and pictures from the film at left. And then if you really want to know MY Wolf, my psyche's Most Important Male, the one that inhabits my fantasies, read my Wolf Thoughts pages, and some of my Wolf Stories (links at left also). And watch out! You might find Wolf stealing into your fantasies!

Here are a few delectable pictures of Wolf

Many thanks again to Ruby, creatress of Wolf's Den, for generously allowing me the use of her pictures!