As of

1 Mayo, 2003

This site is now an


It will no longer be updated...

Site checked into 13 Abril, 2005

Choose your Path into the Land of Enchantment...

Just a little note to old friends who haven't dropped by in a while...

While this site will remain up (unless Tripod chooses to delete it), I will no longer be updating it - therefore some parts of it are unfinished or lacking in some other capacity. I'm so very sorry...or...well, no, I'm not! While Wolf and the Tenth Kingdom remain very much a part of my psyche and experience, I find they are not the whole ... and one who was also a part and remained quietly waiting within has returned to the surface and asks to join me now. And I will take him in. He has been with me all the time and deserves no less. Now The Explorer and I embark on new adventures in the Dreamtime together.....

Well, make of that what you will! At any rate, this site, such as it is, is still here in it's present incomplete state for any who wander by to experience as they wish...

I have moved on...

...LUNA )O(

My name is Luna, and I live on the Edge...of The Forest, and the Desert, and the Mountain, and the Watery Realms of the Psyche. I live a life devoted to the Good Red Road of the Earth and Her Creatures, and am traveling the Turquoise Road of the Spirit as well.

I am an artist; a writer, and a dreamer - and I've created this site to invite you inside my head: into my own personal dream-time. To share my artworks: my paintings; poems and waking and sleeping dreams...oh yes! and more often than not my fantasies and ravings and obsessions as well...with any who care to wander into my own inner "Land of Enchantment".

Won't you join me?

"My ceiling the Sky, my carpet the grass. My music the singing of birds as they pass. My books are the brooks, My sermon the stones, my parson's a Wolf, on a pulpit of bones."

from the "Cowboy's Soliloquy" by Charlie McDonald

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