Snake Chase Sanctuary

As the dream begins, a large snake: about as big as the biggest Burmese Python we used to have (@16 ft., 200lbs.), is chasing me! I think that I must not let it bite me, which it appears to be trying to do! I run thru a wrought-iron gate and to a cage or jungle-gym like contraption which I begin climbing around and up on to try to get away from this persistent serpent, but it seems to negotiate the bars easily and keeps coming after me! I realize that there are other people clambering around on the jungle-gym besides myself, but they are not there to help fact they are trying to get away from the snake too! One of the people is dressed in garb reminescent of traditional Pueblo Indian clothing.

I think that I and the others have strayed away from and are trying to get back to a place that is like a sanctuary - up in a hill above where we are now. And I do mean in the hill: I have a "knowing": a dream-memory of this place. Rooms are carved out of the very stone, with square windows and nichos with candles. Walls all whitewashed ; spare and definitely "padre"-type furniture. This place has the feel of a Mexican Church, and perhaps it is: that I don't know. In my memory of the place it seems I and the others are always "looking for somebody" there...they never did show up and I believe that's why we went outside: to look some more. The snake is a menace definitely from outside this place. ......This is all I remember of this dream.....

This dream has some overtly christian overtones, doesn't it? Perhaps that's why there's much about the dream that doesn't "feel right" to me! I'm not Christian and I'm not afraid of snakes, either! Also, when I and the mysterious others were in the sanctuary, for me this somebody we were all looking for was not nearly as important as the architecture and furnishings of the place! Perhaps this is indicative of how there are some parts of traditional southwestern spirituality I can accept and some I can't. Also I wonder if the snake represents something I'm "running from" that I really shouldn't be!? What if I had confronted it instead of running away?!

Have thoughts on these dreams? Or a dream you'd like to share?