Lobo Luz Lobo Obscuro

(Wolf Light Wolf Dark)

This little picture is acrylic on handmade paper, @8" x 11". It was meant to be rather stylized; almost pictograph-like, with features indicated by quick dark strokes, and large areas of rubbed-on-looking color. I also stuck to a palette which I thought was reminescent of earth pigments.

I owe the inspiration for this piece to Meg, a member of my "10K School of Thought" discussion group. In a posting to the group, pondering Wolf's sometimes quite Jekyll-and-Hyde flavored behavior, Meg wondered whether or not there was a "Wolf Black Wolf White; Wolf Dark Wolf Light". This phrase stayed with me for a long time, not really as a reminder of anything Jekyll-and-Hyde, but rather as an image. This image. So one day I painted it. And I wanted it to be primeval in style, so, as mentioned above, I gave it a pictograph-like character.