The Living Stone, the Speaking Deer

This is an entry from one of my journals dated 4 September, 1989. I had just returned from a walk, and while on that walk I had such a mystical, unusual experience, that I had to write it down right away. I think about what happened on that walk, even to this day. It is more confirmation for me that this world is a very magical place. I swear it happened just this way...

I had the most wonderous walk today! I climbed that dry waterfall up into the higher ridges. Saw one deer on the way up. Saw a swarm of wild bees: living in a crevice in a rock wall. Saw a hawk dive after some thing. I was about three-fourths of the way up: her wings were folded, she was hurtling downwards so fast the air hissed around her! Into the trees far below she dived: don't know what she got!
I'm proud of my climb - it was hard, there were parts I would have been scared of in the past...but this time I just DID it!
Ended up in a sort of upland valley: very pretty, slightly different ecosystem. A lot of water, maybe? Just under the surface? I liked the feel/light/air up there a lot: it's so close to home, want to go again soon. Elevation in the upland valley about 5000 ft. I guess.
Before I reached the waterfall, as I walked up the dry wash at the bottom, I passed by what I can only describe as a sentient or animated? no... living? rock! I don't think it was malevolent, or anything, but it certainly commanded, expected, respect. Woe to the human who tried to pass thru that little ravine without asking permission/showing respect, I think! The rock balanced proudly above me on the ravine edge as I walked underneath: it had an interesting, anthropomorphic, cloaked shape. Still, you probably wouldn't really notice it up there, if it didn't demand it! Myself, I feel deep respect for it: after all...that is it's place, not mine! I, the intruder, must ask leave to go by. On my way back, returning from my climb, I again begged leave of the rock to go by...
Further down the ravine, opening out into a big wash now, I talked to a deer. This is very hard to make any words about, much less verbalize about well enough to set those words down on paper! But I will try. There are always deer in this wash area: lots of trees along the banks. Saw one deer and away he went... went on 'round the bend, stopped without knowing why. Then looked to my left, and saw a young buck standing, looking at me. I didn't know at first why he didn't run away. Then I had the feeling? impression? that he wanted something from me. I had some creosote (a desert herb) I had just picked in my hands. This deer allowed me to come quite close to him: maybe within 8 ft.? I started talking to him. From him I got impressions: not words, but an understanding. An image formed in my mind's eye: a brown earthy spiral. I think it came from him: maybe a symbol for who he was. We connected. While we were communicating other deer walked up and just looked on. He asked me about the men who were hunting in the area. I told them I thought presenting himself to them was a choice. He asked if I thought being killed by a hunter was an "honorable death". I said that I guessed it was; if the hunter was honorable - revered his prey and the Earth. I kind of broke up at this point: I cried. I felt that he (the deer) could read my heart. He told me/I told him to run free and happy...and all the deer turned away. I walked on home as if in a dream. This has moved me very deeply: I shall never forget it.

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